It’s Time to Embrace a Data-Drive Strategy That Adds Time to Your Day and $$ to Your Bottom Line.

Stop Guessing and Start Growing with the Right Metrics for Your Program or Membership Based Business.

Discover Balance and Growth: Unlock the hidden potential in your data, expand your business capacity, and embrace sustainable success—while gaining more time for what truly fuels your heart (oh, and do it all even on those low-energy days without sacrificing your mental health).

You track so many data points and have so many spreadsheets you should be able to make data-driven decisions


🪜 Every time you try to make decisions for your business, your Google spreadsheets leave you asking, "Ok... but what does this even mean?" leaving you more confused than ever...

📃The quarterly de-brief you keep forcing yourself to do feels like a pile of numbers, disconnected from the day-to-day reality of your business...

👋You know you should be tracking important metrics but every time you star, you're unsure if you're looking at the right data, and it all feels so overwhelming that you just...don't.

"Psssst...tracking a bunch of random metrics isn't the key. You have to find the ones that tell the real story of your business and mean something to you."

But not around here...

If you can juggle...

✅ a growing business

school pickup

keeping everyone else afloat without going under...

You can (and deserve to) have a clear, actionable data strategy that leads to growth, without the endless confusion and stress.

Without sacrificing your mental health or...

❌ Staring wistfully out the window wishing you could take a darn walk but wanting to "just tweak one more thing."

❌ Letting your eyes go bloodshot over another "opportunity" that might not lead to more sales, rather than picking up the book that been sitting on your nightstand for three weeks.

❌ Ordering takeout for the fourth time this week because you don't have the energy to cook a meal you are proud of because you've spent it all trying to figure out how to decrease churn.

Oh hey, I’m Kelsey

Your Nerdy, Nutty, Data-Drive Strategist

On a mission to support membership and program-based businesses in unlocking the power of their data so they can grow sustainably, make confident decisions, and keep their members happy—without getting lost in the numbers.

Ever since I was 4 years old, sitting in the psychologist's office ready to be tested for the gifted program...

Only to play with toys until the last few minutes of each timed section because I'd already figured out how long it'd take me to finish...

To implementing agency wide quality improvement initiatives in my decade as a corporate executive....

I've always had a knack for figuring out the puzzle.


  • How to track the metrics that matter most to your membership business, so you stop wasting time on vanity metrics that don’t actually help you grow and keep those members around.

  • The most efficient and effective way to set up your analytics so that you get clear answers, fast—no more guessing or crossing your fingers when looking at your numbers.

  • Creating custom reports and dashboards so clear that even on low-energy days, you can see exactly where to focus for maximum ROI.

    The secret to scaling your business lies in understanding your data and using it to drive decisions that work with your business model (and brain), not against it.

Channel your inner Captain Picard and "Make it so" if you're....


to building and growing a business that is sustainable and scalable, without leaving you in constant guesswork.


with how to have a greater impact on your members and program participants.


to use data to make decisions that lead to confident growth (without sacrificing your quality of life).

Ready to create a data-driven strategy that works for your program or membership business? Here’s how:

Choose your own adventure...

Metrics That Matter VIP Day

Join this high-impact VIP Day designed for program and membership-based businesses like yours.

You've already built the foundation for your business, and now it's time to dive deep into the metrics that truly matter.

Together, we’ll uncover hidden opportunities in your data, and you’ll get the tools you need to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

With a custom analytics debrief and strategy session, we’ll unlock your business’s growth potential, so you can focus on what matters most.

Data Strategy Full-Service Consulting

Want a business that runs smoothly, with data systems that tell you exactly where to focus for growth?


This year-long, done-for-you service is designed to ensure your business is always on the right track. As your fractional Chief Data Officer (CDO), I’ll guide you through every step of implementing a comprehensive data strategy.

We’ll meet quarterly to dive deep into your metrics, adjust your strategy, and make sure your business decisions are rooted in clear, actionable data. From tracking customer retention to optimizing revenue streams, this service covers everything you need to unlock sustainable growth.

Let’s take the guesswork out of your data and get you focused on the numbers that actually move the needle.

Know Your Numbers

Intro Training

Excited to finally feel confident in your data?

Join the Know Your Numbers workshop, where I’ll guide you through the key metrics that truly matter for your membership or program business.

Together, we’ll break down exactly what to track weekly, monthly, and quarterly—so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start making data-driven decisions.

In this workshop, you'll get clear on the data that drives growth and learn how to use those insights to refine your business strategy.

Whether you’re looking to uncover hidden opportunities or optimize your current processes, this workshop will give you the clarity and tools to take action with confidence.

In addition to creating data strategy for multi-million dollar corporations for the last decade..

Here are 5 unrelated facts about me...

By the grace of my grandmother who valued experience over money, I had traveled to 5 European and Asian countries before I graduated high school and spent a month in Italy my first year of college.

My grandmother was like a second mother to me. She loved to travel, but her health prevented her from doing so. She loved to see me travel. The summer after my grandfather (her husband of over 60 years) passed away, we took a 53 day cross country trip with her niece and nephew in their RV. We drove through 23 states and had an amazing time. A year later, I spend spring vacation in Ireland. Two years later, she made it possible for me to spend two weeks traveling through China, and attend a leadership conference in Vienna, Prague, and Budapest that summer. Because of her, I value experiences over possessions and am inspired every day to provide my daughter with the same sense of wonder.

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Every fall you can find my partner, our daughter, and myself cosplaying at various ComiCons.

It's our family tradition started way back in 2013 when my partner and I went to our first ComicCon as Spiderman and Gwen Stacy. I make all of our costumes every year, and love to go all out! There's always so much to make and do, I have to tap into my operations strategy brain to make sure I keep it all straight!

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I can touch my nose with my tongue.

that's it...that's the tweet.

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I brought the kid I babysat to school one day

Don't worry, it was approved by both her mother and the school. I've always loved psychology, so when I was offered to opportunity to take AP Psych my junior year of high school, I grabbed it with both hands. One of my favorite activities was "bring a kid to school" day" where, with appropriate parental permission and supervision, we learned about childhood development, social functioning, and research. It was that spark of intrigue that later led me to pursue a masters degree in psychology.

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I forgot to take my GREs

New Year's Eve 2008, my partner proposed and I spent the entire holiday break and month's following excitedly planning our wedding, only to realized I had completely forgotten to take my GREs and as such could not apply to the doctoral program I had been so excited for (the neurodivergence is strong with this one). Instead, I used my senior thesis "Couples that Play together Stay Together: A Relational Analysis of Partners Who Play MMORPGs Together" as a basis for my application to the Marriage and Family Therapy Masters program.

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Let's Make Metrics Work for You


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